Wednesday, April 20

Spring Break was full of creations

"The desire to create is one of the
deepest yearnings of the human soul.....
Creation brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment.
We develop ourselves and others when we take

unorganized matter into our hands and
mold it into something of beauty."

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
I like creating stuff.
'Specially happy, colorful things
that make me want to sing.

I saw this somewhere??? Just scrapbook paper, some branches, and floral wire will do it! Oh, and lots of glue.
Some leaves I just hot glued right onto the branch,
and some I did the wire-thing.

Martha's egg garland
wheatgrass seeds planted in pots

“Progress, and improve upon and make beautiful everything around you. Cultivate the earth, and cultivate your minds. Build cities, adorn your habitations, make gardens, orchards, and vineyards, and render the earth so pleasant that when you look upon your labors you may do so with pleasure, and that angels may delight to come and visit your beautiful locations."
Brigham Young to the Saints of his day

That quote inspires me.

Yarn egg from Family Fun
One of my most favorite things
in the world to do is
sit & craft something.
For me, my family,
the birds,
a neighbor,
while listening to some soothe-y music.
And in the kitchen,
is where my other favorite crafting takes place.

Lemon White Chocolate Chip
cookies delivered to the Hunk
while at work (our basement)
These are deserving of their
very own post.
And better pictures.
More later.

My pregnant sister, Brooke,
the very creator of BrookeesCookees,
brought these Spring cookies over.
A ball of chocolate chip cookie dough on bottom,
a yellow (!!) Oreo in the middle,
and more chocolate chip cookie dough on top,

Mia was invited to a
Tangled b-day party.
I did my very first french braid
on her hair.

This was the invitation to the party.
The details were on the back.

one of the party favors

My pa-in-law
found this at Habit for Humanity
and thought of me.
He was spot on

I LOVE it.
xoxoxo it!

There's been lots of creating
in the garage.
A very functional creation for Bugg!
Brian & his dad have put lots of
time & love into it
and it is almost done!

I spray-painted my little heart out
this past week.
Bright Sun was my favorite to use.
And eating several of these muffins.
I set out to my pretend Bed&Breakfast
but was quickly interrupted by Rooskii
wanting a bite of my muffin,
then spilling my drink on the bedspread.
But, hey, I got a good picture.
And a few lines from LM Montgomery.
And yahoo!
I created another post for you!
It's been awhile.


  1. I made those oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies a couple weeks ago! There are pretty good. :) And I made the yarn balls a couple weeks ago too, in bright spring colors, and we hung them in the big front room window. I should really take a picture. And maybe post something on my blog. Maybe. How about you just make 2 of everything you make and send one over to me? I'm just not very creative and don't usually have the energy to do much creating.

  2. Wow! Looks like you have been busy! My fave is the yellow tray. Sooo happy! I love making things, too. U R inspiring me to take the time to create! Love the quotes you shared!

  3. Can I move in for a week and see if your craftyness will wear off on me?? :)


Thank you for going the extra mile to leave a note. xoxo