Sometimes I blog by candlelight.
I'd love to get a croquet set. I wash my windows with vinegar-water. I'm feeling some ambition to make a quilt even though I'm not a sewer.
My favorite snack has always been graham crackers dipped in milk. Shopping thrift stores & garage sales gives me chills - as in I LOVE them so much. I hardly ever watch TV unless it's the news while on the treadmill or Little House on the Prairie.
I've seen every episode of Full House 62 zillion times. I eat fries & pizza with a fork.
I can't see myself ever going green - I love aerosol hairspray & plastic baggies. I've never read Twilight or the Harry Potter books.
I despise running and therefore, I don't do it. I love to power walk, kickbox, & Pilates (although the latter hurts real bad).
If I don't make flapjacks on Fridays, the day doesn't feel right. I was born & raised in California and moved to Utah 5 years ago. Here to stay!
I served a mission for the LDS church 10 years ago in Germany Berlin for 16 months. I
(used to) speak Deutsch. I have chronic split fingertips.
Yellow is my favorite color. I have permanently warped my lips of all natural moisture due to incessant chapstick application.
Mopping floors is my worst chore.....and much neglected one.
A good old fashioned chocolate chip cookie is my favorite kind of cookie. Oatmeal comes next.
My mind is constantly getting ideas of ways to celebrate a moment/holiday/person. Sometimes it drives me nuts.
I've never been to Hawaii. I would love to go to Germany or P.E.I.
I usually take the long way home in order to pass by all the cool antique houses. Otterpops & Kool-Aid are disgusting.
I love cinnamon bears. I do not like warm brownies. I prefer them frozen.....cake, too.
OJ pulp makes me gag. Walmart makes me cringe but I somehow find myself there once a month or so. Basically, I'm weird.
I love me.
I have chronic split fingertips too! And I have a cure, but it's so annoying that I never do it. I learned it when I was just days from playing my senior recital in college and couldn't practice because it was so painful. We won't even talk about natural moisture in lips. You know me. And OJ pulp makes me gag too, but I'm growing up and getting over it.
ReplyDeleteThis post was so fun. You should mention that thrift stores and garage sales give you GOOD chills. And, "Kierst, come clean, what's your cure?" Wasn't your mission 18 months?
ReplyDeleteNot weird, just you. Which is why you are such an amazing person!
ReplyDeleteMy husband is on the graham crackers and milk train, too. Usually in the middle of the night--I'll find the graham cracker crumby cup in the sink in the morn.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely not weird. Lovely and beautiful and amazing? Definitely! I don't like warm brownies, cake either! Or cookies. I prefer them at least in the fridge, frozen is usually better. Walmart makes me cringe too, as well as other huge corporations (like Disneyland! {gasp}!!!) Yet I find myself there more often than I would like. :) We really should get together soon.
ReplyDeleteI love YOU too!!! We really are "little house, thrifty, cookie loving, celebrating chapstick adicts" kindred spirits! :) Love you to pieces! (although I love my brownies warm so the ice cream melts all over them :)
ReplyDeleteI hate mopping floors too, I think it is useless, but my mother got one of those steam mops and loves it. The kind where you can throw the towelish part in the laundry. she loves cleanning floors now.
ReplyDeleteI've never read the Twilight or Harry Potter Books either! I also love plastic baggies and can't imagine not using them everyday.
ReplyDeleteThis was fun! I despised Twilight so be glad you didn't waste the time. I heart Little House, but question your taste in Full House (just a little ;) I am learning to love Pilates. I also ALWAYS take the long way to anywhere I go. There's too much beauty to miss out on if I don't! My mind is always going a zillion miles a minute thinking of projects and little things to do for people and it also drives me nuts. Isn't life already too crazy as it is? I think you are fab, and certainly not weird. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletewe do. thought of you (even though i don't know you well) when i came across this site:
I don't think you're weird... I think you're super cool! And you're so real; none of that fake business. You are awesome!
ReplyDeleteLove this post and love you too. Thanks for all your insights about YOU! I still remember people thinking we looked like sisters in Berlin. What a compliment to me - since you're a hotty :) Love you